Ok, now I've other problem, and it is that in the HTML the *Select* doesn't 
changes the value selected (it is always the first one, *"---------"*). Any 
particullary reason for it?

El domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015, 18:51:30 (UTC+2), durir...@gmail.com 
> Have you created some in that test?
> Now I realized I forget to add a *setUp* function with the DB rows...
> .______________________________________________________________________. 
> It doesn't matter how many time I pass coding, always the same fails. 
> Thanks both.
> El domingo, 9 de agosto de 2015, 17:00:04 (UTC+2), Daniel Roseman escribió:
>> On Saturday, 8 August 2015 12:58:59 UTC+1, durir...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I searched in the web for some example of setting a FK in a ModelForm 
>>> (bound and unbound), but the examples I founded didn't worked for me. The 
>>> best thing I think I've is this:
>>> *forms.py*
>>> *class RegistroComentarioForm(ModelForm):    def __init__(self, *args, 
>>> **kwargs):        super(RegistroComentarioForm, self).__init__(*args, 
>>> **kwargs)        # This is supossed to get all rows from a model. A 
>>> "Comentario" has one "CategoriaComentario".        # Maybe I should do a 
>>> filter here when I bound data, but the problem is in the tests...        
>>> self.fields['categoria'] = ModelChoiceField(            
>>> queryset=CategoriaComentario.objects.all().values_list('id', 'nombre'),     
>>>        empty_label='...')    # bla bla bla Meta bla bla bla 
>>> fields...tests.py*
>>> class RegistroComentarioFormTestCase(TestCase):
>>>     def test_registrar_comentario(self):
>>>         # Registro_Comentario_Form_X.
>>>         r_c_f_a = RegistroComentarioForm({
>>>             # I tried "'categoria': 1", but nothing.
>>>             'enunciado': 'Eres tan fea que sólo te guiñan un ojo los '
>>>                          'francotiradores.'
>>>         })
>>>         # Here is the problem. This prints:
>>>         # <select id="id_categoria" name="categoria">
>>>         # <option value="" selected="selected">---------</option>
>>>         # </select>
>>>         # <textarea cols="40" id="id_enunciado" maxlength="1000" 
>>> name="enunciado"
>>>         # placeholder="Sólo caracteres alfanuméricos, sin espacios, máx. 
>>> 1000" rows="10">
>>>                  # Eres tan fea que sólo te guiñan un ojo los 
>>> francotiradores.</textarea>
>>>         for campo in r_c_f_a:
>>>             print(campo)
>>>         self.assertTrue(r_c_f_a.is_valid())
>>> So I don't have any *CategoriaComentario* available. In the docs they 
>>> don't say much about *ModelChoiceField*, so I just don't know what to 
>>> do.
>> What makes you think you should have any? Have you created some in that 
>> test? Where?
>> --
>> DR. 

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