I have installed third party app(Mezzanine) whose urls are configured to 
use their view functions not View Class. Source code from 

       urlpatterns = patterns("mezzanine.blog.views",16 
   url("^%stag/(?P<tag>.*)%s$" % _slashes, "blog_post_list",


... 44 

As we can see they have configured blog URLs to use mezzanine.blog.views. Here 
we have few functions which are being called by URL dispatcher.  one of them is 

*       def* blog_post_list(request 
<http://localhost:8888/source/s?defs=request&project=sonus>, tag 
<http://localhost:8888/source/s?defs=tag&project=sonus>=*None*, year 
<http://localhost:8888/source/s?defs=year&project=sonus>=*None*, month 
<http://localhost:8888/source/s?defs=month&project=sonus>=*None*, username 
template="blog <http://localhost:8888/source/s?path=blog/>/blog_post_list.html 
    Display a list of blog posts that are filtered by tag, year, month,24 
    author or category. Custom templates are checked for using the name25 
    ``blog <http://localhost:8888/source/s?path=blog/>/blog_post_list_XXX.html 
<http://localhost:8888/source/s?path=blog/blog_post_list_XXX.html>`` where 
``XXX`` is either the26 
    category slug or author's username if given.27 

I would like to override this function so that it will call my function to 
update context dictionary  or pass some more arguments to default function 
blog_post_list (it's having an argument extra_context so we can use this as 
external context) 

How can I achieve this ?

 Please provide complete details like do we have to modify urlpatterns then 
what should be changed, if we have to change view then what should be change ?

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