On 30/10/06, Bryan Murdock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a blog application, and when I click on a user in the admin, so
> it tries to go to:
> http://myblog.example.com/admin/auth/user/1/
> I get a 404.  I have no idea what's going on.  I have another checkout
> of this project using a different, development database, running with
> the development server and this problem does not exist there.  I
> haven't ever used users with this project, so I don't now how long
> this has been going on.  The only thing I can think of is that I added
> flatpages to my settings and did a syncdb this evening, and when I did
> that I saw a whole bunch of messages like this go by:
> Adding permission 'message | Can add message'
> Adding permission 'message | Can change message'
> Adding permission 'message | Can delete message'
> and on and on for each of message, group, user, permission, type,
> entry, session, site, comment, and free comment.  I didn't get those
> messages when I did the syncdb for flatpages with my development
> database.
> When I look at the auth_permission table I see all those permissions
> duplicated and some of them  (these newly added ones) don't have any
> content_type_id.

Maybe you could try copying (sqlite) or dumping and undumping the
working database onto the machine where it isn't working?

> Bryan
> >


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