
Just guessing, but if I understood well the error you get, that's normal.

The KarmaScoreManager is not the amount of karma of a coment (or in
your case an object). It keeps in the database the karma score that a
given user gave to a specific comment (or object). As there is a
single score per user and per object, you can only override the total

The key point of the calculation of the karma is in the Comment model:
    def _fill_karma_cache(self):
        "Helper function that populates good/bad karma caches"
        good, bad = 0, 0
        for k in self.karmascore_set.all():
            if k.score == -1:
                bad +=1
            elif k.score == 1:
                good +=1
        self._karma_total_good, self._karma_total_bad = good, bad

For a given Comment, the function of the model will take all the
KarmaScore for the given comment (self.karmascore_set.all()) and
iterate over them to calculate the total karma of the Comment (self).

If you want to do a generic karma, you might want to add a function to
the manipulator that will do just this, take an id and content_type,
get() the object, find all the KarmaScores that are related to this
object (self.karmascore_set.all()) and calculate the total karma by
iterating over those.

Hope it helps,


> With help from Malcolm, Guillermo and others, I thought I had this
> karma thing working. Apparently I do not.
> I'm attempting to build my own karma system that will let me allow
> voting on anything, not just comments. The problem is, any votes after
> the first don't appear to do anything. The previous score is getting
> overwritten rather than incremented. This should look pretty familiar
> to anyone who's looked at comments:
> class KarmaScoreManager(models.Manager):
>     def vote(self, user_id, content_type, object_id, rating):
>         try:
>             karma = self.get(content_type=content_type,
> object_id=object_id)
>         except self.model.DoesNotExist:
>             karma = self.model(None, user_id=user_id,
> content_type_id=content_type, object_id=object_id, score=rating,
> scored_date=datetime.datetime.now())
>             karma.save()
>         else:
>             karma.score = rating
>             karma.scored_date = datetime.datetime.now()
>             karma.save()
> I think the problem is karma.score = rating, but that's pulled straight
> from Comments, which works.
> I've tried adding it to itself, both as karma.score = karma.score +
> rating or karma.score += rating, but that returns 0
> I also tried karma.score += int(rating), but still didn't go.
> As with the comment karma system, rating must be 1 or -1
> Any ideas?
> >

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