Am Dienstag, 31. Oktober 2006 14:24 schrieb Grigory Fateyev:
> Hello Aidas Bendoraitis!
> On Tue, 31 Oct 2006 12:11:00 +0100 you wrote:
> > Maybe your captcha template tag is not loaded? Did you put it in the
> > right place?
> Thanks for replay!
> I am sure templsate is in the right place:
> anastas/
>     apps/
>         captcha/
>             templatetags/
> How to check if it load?

In this case i would expect a TemplateSyntaxError. Since you don't get one, i 
suppose it is loaded.

I tried to reproduce your error: i get empty captcha_* values when my 
captcha/ is wrong. Judging from the code you have posted, i think it 
should look like:

urlpatterns = patterns('anastas.apps.captcha.views',
    (r'^i/$', 'image'),
    (r'^json/$', 'json'),

Dirk Eschler <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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