Hi ,  will some help with this please ,
I am writting a django unittest for  a web app. when i do a post  like that 

r = self.client.post(reverse('login'), {'username': 't...@hotmail.com', 
'password': '12345'})
print 'logins page load>>',  r.status_code

the status code returns 302. it's  that normal ?

after i try to add some data  to the  create view like this  :

def test_brand_create(self):
    r = self.client.get(reverse('brand_new'), follow=True)
    self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 200, msg="brand_new Page loads")
    print 'brand_new loads >>>',r.status_code
    r = self.client.post(brand/new/', {'name': 'poko'})
    print 'brand new post>>>' ,r.status_code

    brand = Brand.objects.get(name='poko') ( this doesn't return anything 
error:>>> (DoesNotExist: Brand matching query does not exist.) it seems that 
the values didn't get posted  via the url )
 self.assertIsNotNone(brand, msg="brand  object created")
    print "brand  object created>>>",brand 

any idea what am doing wrong ?

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