
import datetime
from mimetypes import MimeTypes

from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from mutagen import mp3, mp4, oggvorbis, oggtheora

import libs


*class Photo*(models.Model):
    id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
    *title* = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('Name of photo'), 
max_length=200, help_text=_('Enter name of photo'))
    *path* = models.ImageField(verbose_name=_('Path to photo'), 
upload_to='photos', help_text=_('Choice path to photo'))
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('Added'), 

    def recently_added(self):
        return timezone.now() >= self.pub_date >= timezone.now() - 
    recently_added.admin_order_field = 'pub_date'
    recently_added.boolean = True
    recently_added.short_description = _('Recently?')

    def get_dimension_photo(self):
        return '{0} x {1}'.format(self.path.width, self.path.height)
    get_dimension_photo.short_description = _('Dimension')

    def get_size_file(self):
        documentation for function get_size_file
        return libs.ReadebleSizeFile(self.path.size)
    get_size_file.short_description = _('Size')

    def get_type_file(self):
        documentation for function get_size_file
        mime = MimeTypes()
        mime_type = mime.guess_type(str(self.path.file))
        return mime_type[0]
    get_type_file.short_description = _('Type')

    def __str__(self):
        return self.title

    class Meta:
        db_table = 'app_files_photo'
        get_latest_by = 'pub_date'
        ordering = ["-pub_date"]
        verbose_name = _("Photo")
        verbose_name_plural = _("Photos")


*shell Ipython*

*In [25]: p = Photo(title='1', path='')*

*In [26]: p.id*

*In [27]: p.clean*
*p.clean         p.clean_fields  *

*In [27]: p.full_clean()*
*ValidationError                           Traceback (most recent call 
*<ipython-input-27-d11f1507e99a> in <module>()*
*----> 1 p.full_clean()*

in full_clean(self, exclude, validate_unique)*
*   1134 *
*   1135         if errors:*
*-> 1136             raise ValidationError(errors)*
*   1137 *
*   1138     def clean_fields(self, exclude=None):*
*ValidationError: {'path': ['This field cannot be blank.']}*

*In [28]: p.save()*

*In [29]: p.id*
*Out[29]: 12*

*In [30]: *


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