Hi James, thank you for so detailed answer in general about this 

1) I am agreed with you that "root" folder is not the best place for my 
application. *I thought if I try to chose another location for python app, 
paths in app will be different and it will not work.* but I will try it 
later when I use my computer, as you said (new *env* and new location) and 
I will see what will happen. I will see also how to make Apache just to 
read and not to write in that folder.

2) iRedMail had redirection in apache from mijaw.com to mijaw.com/mail but 
I deleted that redirection and I have now clear *apache default welcome 
page* when I visit mijaw.com it means I must type mijaw.com/mail to visit 
iRedMail/roundcube. although https://mijaw.com and https://mijaw.com/mail 
are using the same ssl certificate from iRedMail. so, mijaw.com is clear 
apache welcome page & that's the place for python application, when 
visitors type https://mijaw.com they should get/visit my python app.

3) about single site: *possibly you speak about single python site? but 
beside python can I have other sites as subdomains?*
in this moment, I have VPS with one IP address and 2 domains on the same 
mijaw.com has one subdomain, html/css website, but it is subdomain like 
library.mijaw.com, mijaw.com is free for python application, another domain 
has several subdomains (flash, wordpress and 2 html/css websites). 
so, I think there should be no problem to connect python app with this 
domain mijaw.com because it is default apache welcome page, I should be 
able to connect it with my python app. am I wrong?

4) this is exactly what I can't do, the paths are nightmare for me, I 
*cannot* connect python with apache: 
look this, I will never succeed to implement this general path into my 
particular case: 
I suppose I should chose that apache/wsgi option because I use virtualenv.

5) well, in the case it will not work in apache because of iredmail and 
other sites, can I install parallel *nginx with apache and connect 
mijaw.com with nginx?* problem is that I never used nginx than only apache, 
but I could try it, if it is necessary. than apache and iredmail would use 
mijaw.com/mail and nginx would use mijaw.com i.e. python app.

but in general, I would like to try first in apache, so, I would need help 
to implement this below in my particular case, I wrote in my first post my 
application paths: 

if somebody solve me this problem, I will move app from root folder in SRV 
or similar and change it in this path. 

this is also killing me, I suppose it should be written in apache conf file 
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/mysite.com/mysite/wsgi.py
WSGIPythonPath /path/to/mysite.com
Alias /robots.txt /path/to/mysite.com/static/robots.txt
Alias /favicon.ico /path/to/mysite.com/static/favicon.ico
Alias /media/ /path/to/mysite.com/media/
Alias /static/ /path/to/mysite.com/static/
<Directory /path/to/mysite.com/mysite>

6) of course, if I can use other port for https for django, it is good. 
just I don't know where are this https and port settings in my python app: 
I will try to find later this string: *SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT to True. *
btw, I don't mind for search rankings :)

thank you for your answer. I will use later my computer and relocate app, 
try to find string and all the rest.

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