In [1]: import uuid

In [2]: uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
Out[2]: UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')


In [3]: uuid.UUID4('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-8d12e49c94ea> in <module>()
----> 1 uuid.UUID4('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'UUID4'

So uuid.UUID4() [or 3 or whatever] can only be used a certain way, as in
Michael's example?

The remaining question for me, then, is *what is the proper format *for a
uuid in a json fixture, or any other document I am trying to mass import
into Django?

61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74 - (apparently not)





some other variation I haven't come up with yet?

Here is a portion of my json document:

[{"model": "essell.Code", "fields": { "uuid":
"48189959-be4c-4f10-819a-f1657061b3cd", "arrow": "Amendment II",
"shorttitle": "", "popularname": "Keep & Bear Arms", "acronym": "",
"offcite": "", "brokenarrow": "", "slug": "amendment-ii-keep-bear-arms",
"codetext": "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed.", "effdate": "1792-03-13", "sunsetdate": "", "sunsetcause":
"''", "postdate": "2016-02-05 13:06:53.20548-06", "crossref": "''",
"codekind": "Article", "codekindsortseq": "1", "codelevel": "Constitution",
"codelevelsortseq": "1", "siblingrank": "11", "childof_id": "",
"jurisdiction_id": "e6e11b06-ea3b-4e98-a31f-9a83447ad884"} }, {"model"

As you can see, the uuid is double quoted, but so are all the keys and
values. This is normal json format as I understand it. So should the uuid
be single quoted inside the double quotes? i.e.


How do I get this done? Thanks.

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 4:10 PM, James Schneider <>

> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 8:20 AM, Malik Rumi <>
> wrote:
>> James,
>> I used csvkit to convert the
>> csv to json.
> Looks legit. I'll just assume it creates syntactically correct JSON,
> otherwise it probably wouldn't last long as a public package.
>> On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 7:05:59 PM UTC-6, James Schneider
>> wrote:
>>>> The uuid.UUID() function is somewhat forgiving when it comes to
>>> providing values. See
>>> Does the UUID in your JSON data match any of those formats? The only common
>>> format for a UUID that I've seen that doesn't match any of those formats
>>> would be 'aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa' which is a string that
>>> contains dashes, but no surrounding braces. I believe that's the format
>>> that is pulled when using UUID's from Django installations by default. I'm
>>> actually surprised the Python UUID library doesn't support it, but maybe
>>> it's one of those RFC things that specifies the formats that must be
>>> accepted.
>> Okay, THIS really bothers me for a couple of reasons. 1) Yes, my uuids
>> are in the 8-4-4-4-12 format. 2) Yes, this comes from using the uuidfield
>> as recommended in the docs
>> 3)
>> You're right, this 8-4-4-4-12 format IS NOT on the Python docs page you
>> referred me to.
> Yes, that is a bit confusing, and admittedly fooled me as well. I only
> glanced at the tables of available formats and didn't look at the examples
> below. I should have known better since I did some other work with UUID's a
> short while ago in the same format and didn't run into an issue.
> How can Django say this is based on the Python uuid module when it does
>> not comply? What GOOD is it if it does not comply? Now maybe there is some
>> internal workings that hack a valid Python format. My guess
> is UUID('urn:uuid:12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678'). It wouldn't be
>> that hard to strip off the urn:uuid, and I know for a fact, because I've
>> seen it with my own eyes, there is code to strip out the dashes. But
>> essentially you are saying that my problems are NOT JSON (which I had
>> started to suspect anyway, see
>>  2nd Update. But you also seem to be saying this is not a bug, but a
>> 'feature', because Django knows their uuid format does not comply. But that
>> doesn't make sense to me. How is it to be effectively used without
>> universal Python compliance? Why isn't this lack of compliance documented?
>> What is the workaround, or does it just mean junk the Django uuid
>> altogether as not ready for prime time and save yourself days and days of
>> work, like the days I wasted all last week on this thing?!
> I think you're misinterpreting what I was trying to say. Having a valid
> JSON syntax (ie the null sitting in the right spot next to the semi-colon)
> is a different issue than having incorrectly formatted data values within a
> valid JSON document using the right syntax (ie '8-4-4-4-12' vs
> 'urn:uuid:8-4-4-4-12'). I say incorrectly formatted to mean a value for an
> attribute that the parser responsible for interpreting the data is not
> expecting. It sounds like you ran into both issues.
> Basically, you need to grab the exact value from your JSON file and re-run
> the tests you have in your SO post, but be sure to add an 'import uuid'
> before running them, as Michal mentioned. Also, running
> uuid.UUID(8-4-4-4-12) without the quotes will never work, since Python
> thinks you are trying to pass it a variable with the name of your UUID,
> which is not a valid variable name, hence the reason you keep getting
> syntax errors, no matter what library or function calls you were trying to
> make.
> An example of your JSON that contains the UUID might also help.
> -James
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