Really hoping someone can help---didn't get any responses on stackoverflow, 
and django docs don't seem to give an exact answer.

I have a bunch of views where I check if certain conditions are true before 
executing.   I'm concerned about one user using a view that changes the 
data after the condition has been checked in another view.  Do I need to 
use select_for_update in the code below? 

I'm using the setting ATOMIC_REQUESTS = True, to wrap each request in a 
transaction. My site is relatively low-traffic so I'm not concerned about 
performance yet. Using postgres as well.

*def feed_dog(self, dog_id):*
    dog = get_objects_or_404(Dog, pk=dog_id)
    if not dog.removed and not dog.fed_today:    *# line 3*
        *# do additional checks*
        dog.fed_today = True    *# line 5*
        # also modify other related objects
        treat = Treats.objects.last()
*def remove_dog_from_feed_list(self, dog_id):*
    dog = get_objects_or_404(Dog, pk=dog_id)
    if not dog.fed_today           *# line 12*
        dog.removed = True

So my concern is that someone calls the feed_dog view, and then after line 
3 is checked but before line 5 is started, another user calls the 
remove_dog function. Since dog.fed_today is False still when user 2 is 
calling remove_dog, line 12 is True, and remove_dog view goes ahead and 
does dog.removed = True. At the same time the feed_dog view continues and 
sets dog.fed_today=True, adds the dog to the treat array, etc. So then I 
have an inconsistent state of dog.removed = True, and dog.fed_today = True.

Basically I need it so that certain attributes on the Dog model can't both 
be True at the same time, like dog.fed_today =True and dog.removed=True. I 
also have this related model Treat, where I don't want a dog object to have 
removed = True and also be in the treat.dogs_being_fed array.

Q:Is this a valid concern? Since transactions provide isolation, doesn't it 
mean that 1 of these views accesses the data either all before or all after 
the other one (they can't see the data in the half-done state)?

Q:What's the purpose of select_for_update, and would it help here? If 
transactions are already supposed to provide isolation, what's the purpose 
of select_for_update?

Q:Would it help to increase the isolation property of Django/Postgres from 
Read Committed?

Q:Would it help to have constraints on the Dog model itself (like having a 
def clean method that says a Dog can't be both removed=True and fed_today = 
True?). I'm mostly checking things in the views. Would this get reflected 
in a transaction? Would I also be able to create a constraint that reflects 
attributes in multiple models, like can't have dog.removed=True and have 
that dog be in the Treats.dogs_being_fed array?

Appreciate any help!

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