Check this:

If you want a complete and working example, tell me and I'll send you one.

Hope it helps,


On 11/1/06, MerMer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am thinking about creating a small login form as an inclusion tag, to
> display within other pages created by generic views, when the user has
> not been authenticated.
> Creating a tag that displays a form seems simple enough.  However, I
> want to log the user on without them leaving the page they are on.
> Anybody,  have a way to do this?
> Secondly, is there a way to use a form as an inclusion tag - and still
> use custom manipulators.
> Do I pass the details of custom manipulator etc back to the template
> from the inclusion tag?
> Cheers
> MerMer
> >

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