Hi, I'm trying to set up mod_wsgi and Django to handle authentication and 
I'm getting a weird problem. After much troubleshooting I've distilled it 
down to the configs below:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName site.internal
DocumentRoot /home/user/git/standard-web-site-no-python-stuff/
alias /static/ /home/user/git/project/app/static/
<Directory "/home/user/git/project/app/static">
  Require all granted

<Directory "/home/user/git/project/app">
  <files "wsgi.py">
    Order Deny, Allow
    Allow from all
    Require all granted
WSGIDaemonProcess site.internal user=apache processes=2 threads=10 
display-name=%{GROUP} python-path=/home/user/git/project
WSGIProcessGroup site.internal
WSGIScriptAlias /wsgi-app/ /home/user/git/project/app/wsgi.py
<Location "/">
  Order Deny, Allow
  Allow from all
  ErrorDocument 404 "/wsgi-app/"

My Django project is set up VERY simply with the following:

os.environ.setdefault(*"DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"*, *"app.settings"*)

from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application

application = get_wsgi_application()


def main(request):

  return render(request, "appname/template.tmpl")

def testme(request):

  return render(request, "appname/template2.tmpl")


urlpatterns = [

  url(r'^$', "app.views.main", name="app-main"),

  url(r'^testme/$', "app.views.testme", name="app-testme"),



...HTML Stuff...

<a href="{% url "app-testme" %}>testme</a>

...More HTML stuff


The above app works 100% fine when I go to http://site.internal/wsgi-app/. 
If I hover over the "testme" anchor, I get 

BUT! If I go to http://site.internal/non-good-html.html and get redirected 
by the ErrorDocument 404 directive it shows my views.main() page.

When I hover over the "testme" anchor, I get http://site.internal/testme/ 
(***Notice the missing /wsgi-app/***)

It seems like the app namespace is not preserved when I'm rendering the 
main() page from an ErrorDocument directive.

I tried adding app_name="wsgi-app" to the urls.py but it doesn't change 

I must be missing something simple as this seems like an easy use-case to 


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