Hello, I don't think sub-classing `Func` would be appropriate here. A much 
easier way would be to use `RawSQL 

since you want to dynamically check for different group you could write a 
factory method to build `RawSQLs` for you, something like:

from django.db.models import BooleanField
from django.db.models.expressions import RawSQL

def build_has_group_raw_sql(group_name):
    return RawSQL("""EXISTS(
        SELECT 1 FROM `auth_group` 
        WHERE `auth_group`.`name` = %s 
            AND `auth_group`.`id` IN (
                SELECT `auth_user_groups`.`group_id` 
                FROM `auth_user_groups` 
                WHERE `auth_user_groups`.`user_id` = `auth_user`.`id`
    )""", (group_name,), output_field=BooleanField())

Now you can use this function as follows:


On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 7:01:08 PM UTC+3, mishbah wrote:
> Given that I have a django model that has a ForeignKey that is linked to 
> itself.
>     class DjangoModel():
>         [...]
>         successor = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True)
> I was able to write a custom django database function like this:
>     from django.db.models import BooleanField
>     from django.db.models import Func
>     class IsNull(Func):
>         """
>         See docs: 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/models/database-functions/
>         """
>         template = '%(expressions)s IS NULL'
>         def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>             kwargs['output_field'] = BooleanField()
>             super(IsNull, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> So I can do this:
>     queryset = DjangoModel.objects.all()
>     queryset = queryset.annotate(**{'is_latest': IsNull('successor')})
> and if use `queryset.values()` .. I get
>     [{'pk': 1, is_latest': True}, {'pk': 2, 'is_latest': False}, ]
> where `is_latest == True` when `successor` field is NULL for an object.
> Now I want to do something similar, but have no idea where to start!
> The bundled `django.contrib.auth.models.User` has a ManyToMany relations 
> to `django.contrib.auth.models.Group` model
> For my project, there are multiple user group types, e.g customer / 
> marketing / finance etc
> What I want to do.. is annotate a `User` queryset with `is_FOO` field 
> where `FOO` is a group name. e.g `is_customer` or `is_marketing`
> So if I use `.values()` on a queryset, I should get something like this:
>     [{'pk': 1, 'is_customer': True, 'is_marketing': False }, {'pk': 1, 
> 'is_customer': True, 'is_marketing': True }]
> The group name could be hardcoded, e.g
>     queryset.annotate(**{'is_customer': IsGroupMember('customer')}) 
> I just need help with the `IsGroupMember` database function!
> Is that even possible? Any hints or tips to get me started?
> Any help will be genuinely appreciated.  Many Thanks

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