> New in django so here is the question: Is there a web based IDE for django
> where the environments are set up and all we focus on the creating models,
> view and control? It seems most of my time is spend creating url, import
> this, import that, put middleware, 90% of the time is spend worrying about
> the framework that actually doing the work. Its 2016 and its still seems
> like going back in time with the framework where everything is very manual
> driven.

It sounds like you desire a Content Management System (CMS) such as
Wordpress or Drupal, not a web framework such as Django. A CMS provides a
fair amount of the WYSIWYG features that you are inquiring about (click to
install plugin, configure everything via web forms, etc.). The drawback
there is that you are beholden to the decisions that the CMS developers
have made for you, which may or may not be suitable. Sure, you can override
behaviors and develop custom modules and plugins for a CMS, but then you
are down in the trenches doing very similar things to your CMS as you are
now with Django. I spent several years of my life developing a large custom
module for Drupal, and the primary reason I switched from Drupal to Django
is because, in the end, I spent more time overriding the decisions and
inadequacies of a CMS than moving the project forward. Not to mention the

Django is a web framework, and is designed to be used at the "nuts and
bolts" level of web application development. Not website development, web
application development, notable difference. It is designed to allow the
developer to do things beyond uploading pictures and formatting text and
installing themes.

Probably every single developer on this list has a different philosophy and
setup, hence the reason that there are so many knobs to tweak in Django.
Projects like cookiecutter are great to set up an initial environment, but
again, the developers of cookiecutter (who are awesome IMHO) have a
particular philosophy about how things are set up, which is different even
from the "standard" layout that django-admin.py uses out of the box. Some
masochists probably have their entire project in a single file to keep
imports at a minimum.

Keep in mind that Django also readily accommodates the delineation between
the application programmer and web designer. Smaller projects likely have a
single person performing both tasks, but larger projects will spread the
work out.

I would say that spending 90% of your time on models, views, etc. is
actually a good thing. You need to make sure your data is handled properly
more than the site needs to look pretty (your customers may disagree).

My experience with Django is actually the opposite of yours (not by
choice), simply because I am a terrible web-designer and have spent
countless hours only to have my app look exactly like a Bootstrap example
page. It's a hobby project so it's not like I can/want to farm it out. It
is a bit annoying to have to string up a model, then a view, then a URL,
rinse, and repeat as necessary, but it's no different than having to
'create a page' in a CMS and figure out the URL title, etc. But then your
database becomes your configuration file, which means excessive queries.

Not sure how to take your "back in time" comment. Django supports all of
the current protocols and common protections that every other framework/CMS
does, probably more so. The only piece missing would be the
Channels/WebSockets integration, which is already in the works and is
currently available as a plugin.

I may also be completely misinterpreting what you are asking for. To answer
your question more directly, I've never seen a full-fledged online IDE (to
be fair, I haven't looked). Seems like there would be a fair amount of
custom integration needed with your hosting service for that to work, along
with your version control and publishing workflow. Not to mention
concurrent access issues, etc.


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