On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 3:12 AM, Matthias Kestenholz <m...@feinheit.ch> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to solicit some feedback on the removal of automatic setup before
> moving forward with it. There's a pull request[1] by Jon Dufresne which
> removes the feature, and if anyone feels strongly about it now would be the
> time to speak up. The documentation encourages users to use the explicit
> setup, and automatic setup is only kept for backwards compatibility[2]
> therefore this change shouldn't be too surprising, at least for those
> reading the documentation.
> Thanks,
> Matthias
> [1]: https://github.com/jazzband/django-debug-toolbar/pull/851
> [2]: http://django-debug-toolbar.readthedocs.io/en/
> stable/installation.html#automatic-setup
An explanation as to 'why' you are removing it would have been helpful for
this post for those who may use DDT, but are not intimately familiar with
the documented intended deprecation. I noticed that Tim G. requested
something similar in the PR.

>From the docs, here is what I gathered:



The automatic setup is known to interfere with the start-up sequence of
some projects and to prevent them from loading or functioning properly.

*The explicit setup described below is recommended for all but the most
trivial projects. The automatic setup is kept for backwards-compatibility.*


The automatic setup imports your project’s URLconf in order to add the
Debug Toolbar’s URLs. This is likely to trigger circular imports, for
instance when the URLconf imports views that import models, a pattern found
in almost every Django project.

If the development server crashes with a long stack trace after hitting an
ImportError, anAppRegistryNotReady or an ImproperlyConfigured
use the explicit setup described below.

When the automatic setup is used, the Debug Toolbar is not compatible with
Please disable that middleware during development or use the explicit setup
to allow the toolbar to function properly.
For me, the manual/explicit setup is simple enough that it won't serve as a
barrier to use except by very new developers to Django itself. I believe
all of my apps are currently using the automatic setup, but it wouldn't be
too difficult to transition them to a manual setup. However, if you want to
attract those first-time DDT users, the automatic setup is the way to go.
It does make the app clean (to integrate) and pretty much brain-dead to
implement. Bravo for that.

I would suggest three things:

   1. If the maintenance of the existing code is not extensive and unwieldy
   (and it quite possibly is given the deep hooks DDT needs to gather the
   information required), I would ask for DDT to 'attempt' to auto-configure,
   and if it fails for any reason, have it fail out and indicate that a manual
   setup is needed. If the code for automatic integration is nasty and is
   slowing forward progress, then I'm also alright with getting rid of it to
   focus on other features related to the functionality of the toolbar itself.
   2. Since the current stable docs do not mention a deprecation of the
   feature (only that it is kept around for backwards compatibility), I would
   recommend a deprecation message in the docs and run time warnings be
   displayed for automatic setups for a release cycle or two before the
   feature is actually removed, similar to how Django handles deprecation.
   Perhaps you can use a faster timeline since the DDT changes "shouldn't"
   affect production deployments, and if it does, well...
   3. Not that I wish for more work for the Django devs, and I'm almost
   certain this has been brought up before, but the internal hooks and amount
   of useful information that this tool provides should make it a serious
   candidate for integration into Django itself. I don't know of any competing
   package, and Django does not readily/easily supply this information to the
   developer. Just a thought/wish...

Hope that helps, and excellent job on an excellent tool that I use


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