On second thoughts I just tried django 1.9.9 and it worked like a charm.
Good luck with the 1.10 porting everyone!

On Tuesday, 30 August 2016 21:22:19 UTC+1, Richard C wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm pretty new to this and (probably naively) trying to get django-shop 
> working with django 1.10.
> I have run into a few libraries that needed patterns() removing which I've 
> done and raised issues with the appropriate owners, but now have run into 
> this:
> django.template.library.InvalidTemplateLibrary: Invalid template library 
>> specified. ImportError raised when trying to load 
>> 'treebeard.templatetags.admin_tree_list': cannot import name 'patterns'
> I've been through treebeard and the django backend but can't seem to find 
> any reference to patterns. What am I doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance for the clues!
> pip freeze:
>  beautifulsoup4==4.5.1
>> defusedxml==0.4.1
>> Django==1.10
>> django-admin-sortable2==0.6.4
>> django-allauth==0.27.0
>> django-angular==0.8.4
>> django-appconf==1.0.2
>> django-classy-tags==0.8.0
>> django-cms==3.3.2
>> django-compressor==2.1
>> django-filer==1.2.4
>> django-filter==0.14.0
>> django-formtools==1.0
>> django-fsm==2.4.0
>> django-fsm-admin==1.2.3
>> django-haystack==2.5.dev1
>> django-ipware==1.1.5
>> django-mptt==0.8.6
>> django-parler==1.6.5
>> django-polymorphic==1.0b1
>> django-post-office==2.0.8
>> django-rest-auth==0.8.1
>> django-sass-processor==0.4.6
>> django-sekizai==0.10.0
>> Django-Select2==5.8.9
>> -e git+
>> https://github.com/awesto/django-shop@c8b7f1fe0db4aa0e16c39e0ceff736a964fa7a3a#egg=django_shop
>> django-treebeard==4.0.1
>> djangocms-admin-style==1.2.3
>> djangocms-bootstrap3==0.1.1
>> djangocms-cascade==0.9.2
>> djangocms-text-ckeditor==3.2.0rc3
>> djangorestframework==3.4.6
>> djangoshop-stripe==0.1.4
>> drf-haystack==1.5.6
>> easy-thumbnails==2.3
>> elasticsearch==2.4.0
>> html5lib==0.999999
>> jsonfield==1.0.3
>> libsass==0.11.1
>> oauthlib==1.1.2
>> Pillow==3.3.1
>> pluggy==0.3.1
>> py==1.4.31
>> Pygments==2.1.3
>> python-dateutil==2.5.3
>> python-openid==2.2.5
>> python3-openid==3.0.10
>> pytz==2016.6.1
>> rcssmin==1.0.6
>> requests==2.11.1
>> requests-oauthlib==0.6.2
>> rjsmin==1.0.12
>> six==1.10.0
>> stripe==1.37.0
>> Unidecode==0.4.19
>> urllib3==1.16
>> webencodings==0.5

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