I have the following JSON file named ProcessedMetrics.json which is 
necessary read for send their values to some template:

  "paciente": {
    "id": 1234,
    "nombre": "Pablo Andrés Agudelo Marenco",
    "sesion": {
      "id": 12345,
      "juego": [
          "nombre": "bonzo",
          "nivel": [
              "id": 1234,
              "nombre": "caida libre",
              "segmento": [
                  "id": 12345,
                  "nombre": "Hombro",
                  "movimiento": [
                      "id": 1234,
                      "nombre": "flexion",
                      "metricas": [
                          "min": 12,
                          "max": 34,
                          "media": 23,
                          "moda": 20
              "___léeme___": "El array 'iteraciones' contiene las vitorias o 
derrotas con el tiempo en segundos de cada iteración",
              "iteraciones": [
                  "victoria": true,
                  "tiempo": 120
                  "victoria": false,
                  "tiempo": 232

Through of the following class based view I am reading a JSON file:

class RehabilitationSessionDetail(LoginRequiredMixin,DetailView):
    model = RehabilitationSession
    template_name = 'rehabilitationsession_detail.html'

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        user = self.request.user
        if user.is_authenticated():

            with open('ProcessedMetrics.json') as data_file:

            #Sending a data to template
       return context

In my template rehabilitationsession_detail.html I put my tag of this way:


Then I get the document json in my template:


In my template, I want get the dictionary(before json document) values of a 
separate way such as follow:


The idea is that without matter the nested levels of the json document I 
can get the values. 

Sometimes, the json document will have more identation levels in their 
structure and other times will be a json document more simple

I would that independently of the json document size (if this have more 
than one item in your arrays) will be possible read and get all the values.

I try accessing to the specific item from the RehabilitationSessionDetail view 
of this way:

segment = 

And this works, but not always I will get the same json document structure.

In summary, How to can I get the values (nested and parents) of my json 
document for send them to the template?

I hope can be clear in my question. Any orientation is highly graceful

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