Request Method: GETRequest URL: Version:
1.10.2Python Version: 3.5.2Installed
Applications:['django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth',
'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions',
'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles',
error:In template C:\Users\Kadhafu\mysite\templates\home.html, error
at line 0   Reverse for 'views.home_page' with arguments '()' and
keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []   1 : {%
extends "layout.html" %}   2 :    3 : {% load static from staticfiles
%}   4 :    5 : {% block title %}Online Booking!{% endblock %}   6 :
 7 : {% block content %}   8 : <div class="page-header"   9 :
<h1>Welcome</h1>   10 : </div>Traceback:File
in inner  39.             response = get_response(request)File
in _get_response  187.                 response =
self.process_exception_by_middleware(e, request)File
in _get_response  185.                 response =
wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)File
"C:\Users\Kadhafu\mysite\mysite\" in home_page  5.      return
render(request, 'home.html')File
in render  30.     content = loader.render_to_string(template_name,
context, request, using=using)File
in render_to_string  68.     return template.render(context,
in render  66.             return self.template.render(context)File
in render  208.                     return self._render(context)File
in _render  199.         return self.nodelist.render(context)File
in render  994.                 bit =
in render_annotated  961.             return self.render(context)File
in render  174.         return compiled_parent._render(context)File
in _render  199.         return self.nodelist.render(context)File
in render  994.                 bit =
in render_annotated  961.             return self.render(context)File
in render  439.             url = reverse(view_name, args=args,
kwargs=kwargs, current_app=current_app)File
in reverse  91.     return
force_text(iri_to_uri(resolver._reverse_with_prefix(view, prefix,
*args, **kwargs)))File
in _reverse_with_prefix  392.             (lookup_view_s, args,
kwargs, len(patterns), patterns)Exception Type: NoReverseMatch at
/Exception Value: Reverse for 'views.home_page' with arguments '()'
and keyword arguments '{}' not found. 0 pattern(s) tried: []

need help please

On Mon, Oct 24, 2016 at 3:10 PM, <> wrote:

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>    - Read Only by user in Django Admin
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>    - Running django on demand via my PyQt4 Standalone app
>    <#m_8303809135548745610_group_thread_1> - 1 Update
>    - Methods in Models <#m_8303809135548745610_group_thread_2> - 2 Updates
>    - Django project structure <#m_8303809135548745610_group_thread_3> - 1
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>    - transferring data between Postgres databases
>    <#m_8303809135548745610_group_thread_4> - 4 Updates
>    - Multiple Types of Account with Abstract User
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>    - "canonical" in Django Unleashed book, Chapter 22
>    <#m_8303809135548745610_group_thread_9> - 1 Update
> Read Only by user in Django Admin
> <>
> Naveen Kumar <>: Oct 24 05:45AM -0700
> Hello,
> This looks perfect when i don't have any fields in list_editable.
> This code is not working with list_editable.
> On Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 8:14:26 PM UTC+5:30, Hangloser Firestarter
> ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> Running django on demand via my PyQt4 Standalone app
> <>
> Dam ian <>: Oct 23 06:20PM -0700
> Hi,
> I work on some Smart Home UI / Controlling system using PyQt4, now I'm in
> the point where i need a Web Server to share a "Admin Page" to let the
> user
> change some Smart Home settings (via ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> Methods in Models
> <>
> Deep Shah <>: Oct 24 12:47AM -0700
> What kind of methods should be part of the models and what should be in
> the
> views? Can anyone give me an example of a method which should be in a
> Model
> than the views file?
> ...more
> <>
> Asad Jibran Ahmed <>: Oct 24 12:14PM +0400
> Any method that works *only* with the model data and is used in multiple
> places in the application should be a part of the model.
> Next, if you have functions that operate on multiple pieces of ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> Django project structure
> <>
> Deep Shah <>: Oct 24 12:45AM -0700
> I have a django project which is a loyalty program for restaurants. The
> different database tables are- Users (and extending it with User
> Profiles),
> Restaurant Company (the entire chain), Branches, ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> transferring data between Postgres databases
> <>
> Mike Dewhirst <>: Oct 24 03:04PM +1100
> I have a user who has done a lot of work (instead of playing) in the
> staging server and now wants to get that work into the production database.
> I'm about to research selective dump and load ...more
> <>
> "Aaron C. de Bruyn" <>: Oct 23 09:08PM -0700
> If you're talking about migrating data using tools outside of django,
> I've used SQLWorkbench[0] in the past.
> I currently use it to selectively sync a handful of tables out of a
> ~900 table database ...more
> <>
> Mike Dewhirst <>: Oct 24 04:10PM +1100
> On 24/10/2016 3:08 PM, 'Aaron C. de Bruyn' via Django users wrote:
> > I've used SQLWorkbench[0] in the past.
> > I currently use it to selectively sync a handful of tables out of a
> > ~900 table ...more
> <>
> Vineet Kothari <>: Oct 24 12:30PM +0530
> You will have to dump the back up file for that you can either use GUI
> based tool as other friends has suggested or you can use command line
> .There may be more ways please read two scoops of Django ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> Multiple Types of Account with Abstract User
> <>
> Shazia Nusrat <>: Oct 23 05:37PM -0700
> Hi,
> I am trying to create multiple types of users in my django e-commerce
> project by extending built-in Django user model but I am having issue.
> Would appreciate if someone can guide me to right ...more
> <>
> Asad Jibran Ahmed <>: Oct 24 06:53AM +0400
> Did you change the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting *after *you had already run
> python
> migrate once (or more) before? From the error I guess what's
> happening is that you already have a User model ...more
> <>
> Shazia Nusrat <>: Oct 23 08:18PM -0700
> I've deleted DB and migrations I had previously.
> But still can't figure this out. What I need is....that multiple shops
> needs to get registered with my ecommerce store as well as designers and
> as ...more
> <>
> Asad Jibran Ahmed <>: Oct 24 08:26AM +0400
> In that case I suggest you create multiple models, one for each type of
> user. For example, you could have a SupplierProfile, DesignerProfile,
> etc...
> The reason I suggest multiple profile models, ...more
> <>
> Shazia Nusrat <>: Oct 23 09:55PM -0700
> I will try it but I have a question that how can I link this to
> Django-regisration-redux app. Like if somebody tries to sign in they should
> have registration choices within registration app to save ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> Am I missing a design pattern? My views code somehow isn't as elegant as
> it should be...
> <>
> ludovic coues <>: Oct 23 11:52PM +0200
> Python doesn't have special structure to separate internal and
> interface. There is a convention of prefixing the internal with an
> underscore. That's all.
> So having IPInfo.request being part of ...more
> <>
> Vinicius Assef <>: Oct 24 12:57AM -0200
> Inline answers follow...
> > Tried to look up service layers, but couldn't find examples of how it was
> > supposed to look like - is it supposed to be like a class, and I toss the
> ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> How to: Django development and debugging
> <>
> Derek <>: Oct 23 06:20AM -0700
> Is VS Code Editor available on Linux platforms?
> On Friday, 21 October 2016 02:30:45 UTC+2, Don Thilaka Jayamanne wrote:
> ...more
> <>
> "Luis Zárate" <>: Oct 23 10:38AM -0600
> I rarelly debug code with django, with external utility, just trace stack
> when errors appears, buy when I need it I use pydev over Aptana, it has
> heap monitor, breakpoints, step by step run and ...more
> <>
> Don Thilaka Jayamanne <>: Oct 24 09:56AM +1100
> @Derek, yes VS Code Editor is available on Linux platforms.
> Have a look here:
> ...more
> <>
> Don Thilaka Jayamanne <>: Oct 24 09:58AM +1100
> @Luis Zárate
> >I dislike VS as IDE but
> Any particular reason for this?
> >great if you want to support Django there
> Django is supported today (including template debugging). Right now i'm
> ...more
> <>
> Don Thilaka Jayamanne <>: Oct 23 04:06PM -0700
> @Derek, yes VS Code Editor is available on Linux platforms.
> Have a look here:
> On Monday, 24 October 2016 00:20:26 UTC+11, Derek wrote:
> ...more
> <>
> Don Thilaka Jayamanne <>: Oct 23 04:08PM -0700
> @Luis Zárate
> >I dislike VS as IDE but
> Please remember, this is Visual Studio Code (cross platform, open source,
> free) and not to be confused with Visual Sutdio IDE (full blown IDE runs
> ...more
> <>
> Don Thilaka Jayamanne <>: Oct 23 04:13PM -0700
> Hi ,
> This Python Extension
> <>
> too
> supports the features you have mentioned.
> The difference is:
> - Visual Studio Code is ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> Django Unleashed, custom user model
> <>
> Andrew Pinkham <>: Oct 23 11:36AM -0400
> Hi Malik,
> I'm sorry to hear that you are still having trouble with Chapter 22. I've
> attempted to answer your questions below based on the limited information
> you have provided. You might find a ...more
> <>
> Back to top <#m_8303809135548745610_digest_top>
> "canonical" in Django Unleashed book, Chapter 22
> <>
> Andrew Pinkham <>: Oct 23 11:09AM -0400
> Hi Malik,
> > I found that surprising, but then I'm somewhat isolated so don't claim
> to know what other folks are doing. Why is this the common practice? Just
> to save time because the tools are ...more
> <>
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