On 11/10/06, Merric Mercer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kamil, many thanks but your suggestion does not work. I should have
> mentioned that I had already tried that.
> I  am returning a dictionary nested inside the main dictionary like so:-
> return render_to_response ('myapp/detail.html', { 'key1': value1,
> 'key2': value2, 'campaigns':dict1}), so I presume that is why it is not
> working in the prescribed manner.
> dict1 is populated by the view and looks like this {'0': value1, '1':
> value2, '3':value3, etc }.  The values in dict1 are class objects from
> my "myapp.models.campaign".
> As mentioned,  I can access theese values directly in the template using
> the following syntax {{ campaigns.<key value>.<model attribute> }}. For
> example, {{ campaigns.0.id }} works fine for that particular instance.
> However, I  can't seem to iterate through the whole dictionary.

When you iterate over a dictionary, you're iterating over the *keys*
in the dictionary, not the values.


In [1]: x = {"a":1, "b":2}

In [2]: for each in x:
   ...:     print each

According to a comment by Adrian on the template documentation page,
what you want isn't possible without writing a simple tag or filter.

Jay P.

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