> Try to write my own backend authenticate function, but users from
> anothe table can not login. What can it be? Any suggestions?

I hope somebody use custom backend authentication? Please, do not
ignore my letters. :)

I have used middleware for this purposes. It is last in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES list (in settings.py ) and executed any time for any URL of my project.

Each function in view may have auth atttribute with an list of permission test functions, and 99% of functions in views.py have ones.

For example:
view.auth = [check_is_admin, check_is_manager]

My AuthMiddleware (I'm used some code from djando 0.91 distribution as base when start implementing this) executed each function in list and check if one returned True. Otherwise it redirected to login page. It would be better to use decorators, but I feel too lazy to rewrite all code :-)

Here my middleware/auth.py:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
import re

from myinet.settings import ROOT_URL
from myinet.users.models import User, SESSION_KEY
from myinet.libs import debug

LOGIN_URL = ROOT_URL + '/users/login/'
LOGIN_URL = re.sub('/+', '/', LOGIN_URL)

def get_muser(request):
    muser = User()
    if not hasattr(request, 'user'):
            user_id = request.session[SESSION_KEY]
            if not user_id:
                raise ValueError
            muser = User.objects.filter(pk=user_id).exclude(disabled__exact=True).get()
        except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError, ObjectDoesNotExist), e:
            muser = User()
    return muser

class AuthMiddleware(object):
    def process_view(self, request, view_func, view_args, view_kwargs):
        from myinet.users.views import login

        # Refresh muser attribute of request object
        request.__class__.muser = get_muser(request)

        if id(view_func) == id(login):
            # Do not break login process
            return None

        acls = getattr(view_func, 'auth', None)
        # Function does not have permissions - assume it world accessable
        if acls is None: return None

        for check_func in acls:
            if check_func(request.__class__.muser, **view_kwargs):
                return None

        new_url = LOGIN_URL + '?url=' + request.path
        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_url)

Andrew Degtiariov
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