Well, some more context then:

I've worked at a company that have exactly the same logic writen in perl
and using an ORM built inside the company. The ideia was to build a
plataform to interact with the DB, and with this interaction, extend the
information about the table been created/modified or the field been
created/modified, and with that, build web views and forms dynamically from
that extended schema. The business logic was entirely in database triggers,
and javascript (one of the extensions of the fields information was that it
was possible to write javascript events, and the plataform binded that
event to the view).
Needless to say, everithing was heavly cached: everytime the schema (or the
extended schema) was updated, it was serialized and cached in a redis
environment, so it was always ready to query.

It worked preaty well, and was a tool good to work with.

So i thought: "well, i gess that can built with django!".

And here I am. :)

Any questions, I'm always aviable.

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