On Wednesday 15 February 2017 19:17:55 Mike Dewhirst wrote:
> On 14/02/2017 12:14 PM, Melvyn Sopacua wrote:
> > P.S. I left two bugs in there, for now I'll leave them in as an
> > exercise for the reader.
> Three bugs ... and 2 questions:
> 1. You obviously forgot the sugar!

That's part of the first bug: it allows 2 of the same ingredients to be added 
to one 
mixture. Normally, you would merge them into one or disallow it with a 
unique_together on the through model.

> 2. With that proportion of Earl Gray the tea would have been far too
> strong.

Haha, true.
> 3. There might be 5% discrepancy in the total!

Nope, should be correct. But the other bug is that it totals all mixtures, 
instead of 
only the instance of the mixture. This is because with through models you 
cannot use 
the related manager and I didn't add an explicit filter to compensate.

> Now for the questions ...
> class CalculatedPercentageField(models.PositiveSmallIntegerField):
>      pct_model = None
>      pct_field_name = None
>      def __init__(self, pct_model: models.Model,
> pct_field_name='percentage', *args, **kwargs):
>          self.pct_model = pct_model
>          self.pct_field_name = pct_field_name
>          super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>      ...
> 1. What does "pct_model: models.Model," do? I haven't seen that colon
> before.

This is me not having written python2 compatible code for a while. It's a 
supported type hint that makes it easier for the IDE to infer supported methods 

> 2. Will it work when used via the Admin and everything gets saved at
> once in a single transaction?

It should yes. Note that save is always one step behind what is presented. In 
this should not pose a problem and you might even put a save with update_fields 
update_total() if old and new value differ, but this may trigger a can of worms 
if you 
ever put a save-related signal on the model.

Melvyn Sopacua

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