I just wanted to announce the first open commercial Django Training

As well as being a great program, I hope it will be another
reinforcement in the message that Django is a deployable commercial
system for corporate web application development. I hope that having a
solid and skills-based program available will encourage more companies
to adopt Django and thereby raise the value of all our skills.

You can see details at


And download the syllabus* at


I'm running two public open courses in the next couple of months, you
can see them at the info page above or on the schedule at:


I'm also running a similar program with a Introduction to Python
program combined (see


) on-site in a couple of weeks. If there's interest I could run that
publically too.

I'm adding new stuff over the next week or so, including some more
detail on some of the non-Django programs. If you need any more detail,

let me know.


I've been developing web applications since 1996. I've been using
Django for over a year now to deliver projects for my clients (I
consult in software R&D). Recently, as companies have been considering
moving infrastructure to Django I've been asked to provide training,
both technical and in the form of management evangelism. As that has
increased in my workload, I decided to bring all the various training
that I can provide under the banner of this new training organisation:
LAMP Training (www.lamptraining.com).

Simply because there is nobody else doing it, and because there is a
lot of interest, most of the stuff I'm doing over the next couple of
months is Django related.

If you'd like to join a program, or have one delivered to your team get

in touch:


Best regards


* Incidentally the site is a django project, including the on-demand
production of syllabus pdf's in a range of paper sizes. Nothing too
complex, the whole project is just a few hundred lines of code and was
three day's work, including design. But further evidence, if any is
required, as to the productivity Django can provide.

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