I'm trying to implement a custom management command into my app.

its purpose would be to check the database for a poll which fits time 
parameters and update clients via channels.

I want to get a list of the clients in a group, then decide whether or not 
to send them new information based on their session data

I have been exploring this in the shell and im wondering why my client 
doesn't receive a message when i use the following code:

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

config = getattr(settings, "CHANNEL_LAYERS", {})
backend_class = import_string(config['default']['BACKEND'])
channel_layer = backend_class(config['default'].get("CONFIG", {}))

channel = channel_layer.group_channels('poll')[0]
channel_layer.send(channel, {"text": "hello world!"})

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