Hi folks.

So, I'm one of those people that fell into the hype of Rails and have
spent the past couple months really digging into learning it.  However
a friend strongly suggested I check out Django, so I've spent the
better part of the day going through tutorials.

The differences in syntax between Ruby and Python have slowed me down
quite a bit (Ruby was actually my first programming language, and I've
only learned what I have of it because of Rails - but it did serve as a
great introduction to OOP).  Differences between languages aside, I'm
liking Django, and it seems as if I might be able to use it for
something I've been pondering lately, but I wanted to hear the voice of
the Django community first.

To make a long story short: I'm between jobs at the moment.  After a
long while in the Telecommunications industry, I'm ready for a change
of pace.  Web Development is my passion, and I'd like to begin
freelancing locally.  However, I don't see myself getting any "big"
jobs where I'll be developing the next totally awesome community web
app, or even an e-commerce web app, for that matter.  I'll most likely
be developing small sites for Ma and Pa's flower shop and the like,
just to start out with.  I plan on developing *and* hosting the sites
to make it as easy as possible for my clients -- and no matter how
small the site is, I feel that offering an easy-to-use and rich CMS
backend is a huge selling point.

So here's my dilemma.  I'm trying to figure out the best, most
efficient and easy to maintain way to accomplish this.

Initially I thought I'd be able to create a Rails CMS and use an
instance of it for each site.  Then I got something out into production
and realized that Rails has a huge memory footprint per fcgi instance
-- about 30MB each.  It doesn't get any better with Mongrel.  So then,
I thought I could just use one Rails instance for multiple sites --
sort of a "One ring to rule them all" type deal, since most of these
sites won't be getting but a handful of hits per day.

But then I found Django, and said, "Wow.  They've already done most of
this CMS stuff for me, with a beautiful interface to boot!".  My
question to you folks is -- is Django viable for hosting a multitude of
small sites?  I expect the needs of those sites to be *mostly* the same
(about page, image gallery, product list, contact page, possibly a
blog, etc.), so is it a good idea, and is it possible, to host many
sites from one Django app/instance?

I'd be very grateful to hear your thoughts.  Please spare me for the
verbose introduction. :)

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