I have a form similar to that declared below:

class LineItemForm(Mixin, forms.ModelForm):
cost = forms.FloatField()
field_order = ['part', 'cost']

class Meta:
      model = LineItem
      fields = ['part']

And then I have another form that inherits from that:

class InventoryTransactionForm(LineItemForm):
      class Meta:
            fields = ['part', 'document']
            exclude = []

I have two views that use the InventoryTransactionForm.  View A uses it in a 
formset like so:

InventoryFormset = modelformset_factory(LineItem, InventoryTransactionForm, 
inventory_formset = InventoryFormset(request.POST or None, initial=[{"part": 

View B uses just the form:

form = InventoryTransactionForm(
        request.POST or None, 
instance=inventorytransaction.transaction.lineitem, prefix="inventory", 

When I load View B, I get this exception:
ModelForm has no model class specified.

Everything works fine in View A.
Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions?
Thank you,

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