On 6/04/2017 2:44 PM, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
I'm collecting strings from web page sources and storing extracted data in a TextField. If it is done again, it gets added into the TextField.

My code goes something like ...

If data not in textfield:
    insert_data(data, textfield)

Got it working in the ugliest way possible ...

note is the proposed value of the TextField
content is the actual content of the TextField

    x = bytes(note.strip(), 'utf8')
    y = bytes(content.strip().replace("\r", ""), 'utf8')
    if x not in y:
        print("\n x in y is %s " % (x in y))
        print("\n x = %s " % x)
        print("\n y = %s " % y)
        # append note to the TextField

The problem wasn't unicode it was line endings. My putting in '\n' or the web providing me with '\n' in the scraped page somehow automatically caused my blessed operating system to think I really meant '\r\n' and helpfully did what it thought I wanted.

No further comment. I'm speechless.


... but no matter how I wrinkle my brow and try harder and harder I simply cannot get x in y == True when it most definitely appears true.

Therefore it must be a unicode problem. And unicode defeats me every time.

Can anyone suggest a recipe?

I hesitate to ask for unicode tutorial links because I have read them all and always come away needing counselling.

I'm using Python 3.5, Python 2.7, Django 1.8.18 with the Admin and plain TextField without any editor widgets.

Thanks heaps


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