Thanks for the reply, Scot, I've some questions here:

   1. Is setting up groups necessary if I'm creating shared UserProfile? If 
   not, will groups be anyhow beneficial to this new setup?
   2. Shall I create shared UserProfile from User? If yes, how can I handle 
   the need for two passwords, one being normal alphanumeric for normal 
   dashboard login and one being PIN-based for transactions with validation 
   and security like Django's auth package?
   3. Could you please elaborate/explain the need for this or maybe how is 
   this useful:
>    Either in your import scripts or in save() method or elsewhere, 
>    instantiate the additional profile classes:
>    if user.is_faculty():
>      fac_profile = FacultyProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=self) 

On Sunday, 14 May 2017 22:15:25 UTC+5:30, Scot Hacker wrote:
> This is a fairly common need in academia, where your users need a 
> different set of profile fields depending on affiliation. And you always 
> end up with edge cases where some people are simultaneously faculty and 
> staff, or even student and faculty, etc. And those "special" people will 
> need to have all of the right fields available to them.  You could take an 
> approach something like this:
> - Set up standard Groups for Students, Faculty, Staff (and maybe Alumni)
> - Have a management command or import script that ensures everyone is in 
> all the right groups
> - Set up a shared UserProfile model that includes all shared fields
> - For convenience, set up model methods on UserProfile that determine a 
> person's status based on group membership, e.g. `is_faculty()`, 
> `is_student()` etc. (taking care to not interfere with Django' built-in 
> `is_staff` boolean!). This way you can do quick affiliation checks from 
> anywhere (e.g. in templates)
> - Set up additional FacultyProfile, StudentProfile, StaffProfile classes 
> with the unique fields and with ForeignKeys to UserProfile
> - Either in your import scripts or in save() method or elsewhere, 
> instantiate the additional profile classes:
> if user.is_faculty():
>   fac_profile = FacultyProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=self)
> That's very loose and there are many ways to go about it, but that's one 
> possible approach.  Another would be to simply put *all* possible fields on 
> UserProfile and just populate them based on affiliation. That's not very 
> clean though, because if someone stops being faculty for instance, it would 
> be tricky to ensure you remove all of the right field data (it's messy). So 
>  season to taste.
> ./s
> On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 7:32:27 AM UTC-7, Ajat Prabha wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm creating a payment gateway to make transactions on my college campus 
>> go cashless. It can be used to pay library dues, stationary charges, etc. 
>> The user will add money to a central account and then he/she can use that 
>> money virtually. I chose Django because of its security. But as I need 3 
>> groups of users viz. Faculty, Student and Staff, I'm having trouble to 
>> implement this in the best possible way. I fix one thing, the other gets 
>> disturbed. I'm new to Django, so I don't have much experience. I'm 
>> comfortable with views, basic models, etc. But this User customization, I 
>> can't get it right.
>> I'm attaching a representational User model (any suggestions are 
>> welcome), please have a look. All the 3 groups will have certain fields 
>> common and certain fields specific to that group only like 
>> roll_number/employee_code and permission_sets(in case the system is later 
>> used for access to labs, etc.). The fields at below of the image will be 
>> common to all groups.
>> <>
>> I also tried this 
>> <> 
>> customization which 
>> worked but then I had issues in Django admin view where the password was 
>> stored in plain hashed value. I think it has something to do with 
>> reimplementing ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget method declared in 
>> django.contrib.auth.forms but I'm not sure!
>> I chose Django in the first place for security reasons and I'm not able 
>> to get it right.
>> Can someone please help me out.
>> Thanks!

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