Hi all,

I'm trying use Channels to add websockets functionality to an existing 
Django project.

At this stage, my websockets functionality is a simple echo of whatever 
text is sent by the client.

The  existing project runs on http://domain.com/, served by Apache+mod_wsgi 
behind a Nginx front-end proxy.

I'm trying to route websockets to http://domain.com/ws/, served by daphne 
behind the same Nginx front-end proxy.

The Nginx config looks like this:

  # daphne
  location /ws/ {
      proxy_pass  http://localhost:22222;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

  # apache+mod_wsgi
  location / {
      proxy_pass  http://localhost:11111;

When I do this, I can connect to the websocket on http://domain.com/ws/, 
but nothing gets echoed back.

Here's what I see from daphne in the console:

  2017-09-22 16:52:44,654 DEBUG    WebSocket 
daphne.response.npTbOappnj!BnXbgObcDS open and established - - [22/Sep/2017:16:52:44] "WSCONNECT /" - -
  2017-09-22 16:52:44,654 DEBUG    WebSocket 
daphne.response.npTbOappnj!BnXbgObcDS accepted by application
  2017-09-22 16:52:52,569 DEBUG    WebSocket incoming frame on 
  2017-09-22 16:52:54,539 DEBUG    WebSocket incoming frame on 
  2017-09-22 16:52:55,229 DEBUG    WebSocket incoming frame on 
  2017-09-22 16:52:55,703 DEBUG    WebSocket incoming frame on 

The "WebSocket incoming frame on..." entries were logged each time my WS 
client sent a message.

I thought "WSCONNECT /" looked suspicious, since I'm trying to connect to 
"/ws", so I tried connecting to http://domain.com/ws/ws/ instead.

Sure enough, the echo worked when connected to http://domain.com/ws/ws/, 
and requests were logged as /ws.

So I think the problem seems to be that daphne isn't aware that it's 
running on a sub-path /ws.

I tried using the root-path parameter documented here 
https://github.com/django/daphne#root-path-script_name but that had no 
effect. The connections were still logged as / instead of /ws, and nothing 
gets echoed back.

As a test, I reconfigured Nginx to serve the whole site from daphne, eg:

  location / {
      proxy_pass  http://localhost:22222;
      proxy_http_version 1.1;
      proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
      proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

The app worked perfectly in that configuration - but I really need this to 
work alongside mod_wsgi.

The docs at 
specifically state that this is possible:

To do this, just set up your Daphne to serve as we discussed above, and 
> then configure your load-balancer or front HTTP server process to dispatch 
> requests to the correct server - based on either path, domain, or if you 
> can, the Upgrade header. 


Dispatching based on path or domain means you’ll need to design your 
> WebSocket URLs carefully so you can always tell how to route them at the 
> load-balancer level; the ideal thing is to be able to look for the Upgrade: 
> WebSocket header and distinguish connections by this, but not all software 
> supports this and it doesn’t help route long-poll HTTP connections at all.

I suspect what's tripping me up is the "dispatching based on path or domain 
means you’ll need to design your WebSocket URLs carefully" bit, but so far 
I can't see what I'm doing wrong.

My project is structured like this:

  ├── db.sqlite3
  ├── manage.py
  ├── myapp
  │   ├── admin.py
  │   ├── apps.py
  │   ├── consumers.py
  │   ├── __init__.py
  │   ├── migrations
  │   │   ├── __init__.py
  │   ├── models.py
  │   ├── routing.py
  │   ├── tests.py
  │   └── views.py
  └── myproject
      ├── asgi.py
      ├── __init__.py
      ├── routing.py
      ├── settings.py
      ├── urls.py
      └── wsgi.py

myproject is a default Django project, and myapp is a default Django app, 
both with the minimum extra bits required for Channels.

myproject/asgi.py is:

  import os
  from channels.asgi import get_channel_layer
  os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "myproject.settings")
  channel_layer = get_channel_layer()

myproject/settings.py CHANNEL_LAYERS has this:

  "ROUTING": "myproject.routing.channel_routing",

myproject/routing.py has this:

  channel_routing = [
      # Include sub-routing from an app.
      include("myapp.routing.channel_routing", path=r"^/ws"),

myapp/routing.py has this:

  channel_routing = [
      route("websocket.receive", ws_message),


  def ws_message(message):
      # ASGI WebSocket packet-received and send-packet message types
      # both have a "text" key for their textual data.
          "text": 'You said %s' % (message.content['text'],),

Like I said, this all works great when I serve the entire project from 
Daphne, but I want mod_wsgi to serve HTTP stuff, as the docs suggest is 

What am I doing wrong here?

Thanks for reading this far,


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