I realized that the Mozilla tutorial is a wiki, so I took the liberty to
remove the "permant=True" from the redirect.

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Daniel Hepper <daniel.hep...@gmail.com>

> It's not the new project referencing the old project, it is actually your
> browser caching the redirect from to
> Because it is a permanent redirect, your browser won't access
>, it will go
> You can usually get rid of this redirect by clearing your browser cache.
> How exactly that is done depends on the browser you are using.
> This also teaches an important lesson about permanent redirects. Only use
> them when you are absolutely sure that you (and more importantly your
> users) will never again want to access the old URL.
> Hope that helps,
> Daniel
> On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 6:06 PM, Doug Nintzel <doug.nint...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am new to Django and followed this Mozilla Django Tutorial
>> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Django/development_environment>
>>  which
>> was very helpful, and created the 'locallibrary' project.
>> As part of the exercise, it has you create a 'catalog' app and has you
>> set up a redirect to the default app
>> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Server-side/Django/skeleton_website>
>>  ('catalog')
>> as below
>> locallibrary\locallibrary\urls.py
>>      path('', RedirectView.as_view(url='/*catalog*/', permanent=True)),
>> The whole tutorial went smoothly, but now I am wanting to create my own
>> project so I created a new virtual environment, created a new site/project,
>> and for sanity check started the server "python manage.py runserver" in the
>> new project and then tried to navigate to the ,
>> but it instead tries to redirect to the tutorial project's app
>>*catalog*/ and gets a 404.
>> I tried to install Django in the new virtual environment, but no help.
>> Here are the errors and some other messages:
>> Page not found (404)
>> Request Method: GET
>> Request URL:
>> Using the URLconf defined in CalendarAlerts.urls, Django tried these URL
>> patterns, in this order:
>>    1. admin/
>> The current path, catalog/, didn't match any of these.
>> You have 14 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly
>> until you apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes,
>> sessions.
>> Run 'python manage.py migrate' to apply them.
>> January 21, 2018 - 09:28:59
>> Django version 2.0.1, using settings 'CalendarAlerts.settings'
>> Starting development server at
>> Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.
>> Not Found: /catalog/
>> [21/Jan/2018 09:29:13] "GET /catalog/ HTTP/1.1" 404 1971
>> Not Found: /favicon.ico
>> [21/Jan/2018 09:29:13] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 1980
>> (CalendarAlert_env) C:\Users\dnintzel\Documents\dj
>> ango_projects\CalendarAlerts>*python -m django --version*
>> *2.0.1*
>> (CalendarAlert_env) C:\Users\dnintzel\Documents\dj
>> ango_projects\CalendarAlerts>python --version
>> *Python 3.6.4*
>> Can someone help me understand why the new project is referencing the old
>> (and how to resolve)?
>> Is it related to the virtual environment?
>> I am also interested in BKMs for use of virtual environments in this
>> case? Specifically, should Django need to be installed on each virtual
>> environment (if you don't have it installed globally?). I am actually a
>> little surprised that Django commands executed in the new project before I
>> installed it in that VE.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Doug
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