Here's one method of importing a common set of tags into your
app-specific templatetags modules. If there's an easier way, I'd
appreciate the advice.

1. Define your common tags, e.g. /yourproject/apps/

from django import template

register = template.Library()

def some_common_op(x, y):
  return 'some string value'

2. An individual app's templatetags, e.g.
(Don't forget an in the same directory.))

from yourproject.apps import templatetags

register = templatetags.register

def some_comment_op(x, y):
  return 'some string value'

3. In one of your blog templates, use:

{% load mytags %}

I've read that 'load' should come after and 'extends' -- I didn't
encounter that issue, but some circumstance might require it.

- David

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