I have read the following page


and it states ...

Admin converted to separate templates ΒΆ

The admin is now rendered using separate templates. These can be
overloaded, meaning the admin is a bit more easily customizable.

An example is change forms - these are the forms used to modify and add
objects in the admin. The templates are selected in the following order

    * admin/<app_label>/<object_name>/change_form
    * admin/<app_label>/change_form
    * admin/change_form

So it is possible to change the form just for one kind of object, or
for one app. This makes it possible to add in extra information or
change existing blocks eg branding.

So if we take the polls app as an example, we may want to customise the
admin page just for the polls object.

We create a file admin/polls/polls/change_form.html in our apps
template directory, with the contents:

So, I have a person object in my model in my so I created a test
template with the following text ...

{%extends 'admin/change_form' %}

{% block branding %} Customised title {% endblock %}
{% block after_field_sets %} Some interesting information after the
field sets  {% endblock %}

and saved it in the file

My problem is that when I add or edit a person I do not see anything.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me figure out why
this template is not being used.

Jim Fritchman

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