Using Django 1.11, Python 2.7, PostGres, and JSONField I'm getting behavior 
I don't expect.

It seems when JSONField values are initially saved/accessed in memory, 
they're python "integers", but when saved to the database and then 
re-accessed, the values are now in string format.

*What about how Django handles JSONField string vs integers am I missing 
here?* Whats the best way to get deterministic behavior here? 
Am I supposed to always, say, use json.dumps to work with this stuff in 
string format? Should I be converting all JSONField values before trying to 
access any values?

*Example 1 - Basic Problem*

Example Model :
class ExampleModel(models.Model): 
    external_ids = JSONField(blank=True, null=True, default=dict)

My code:
new_example = ExampleModel.objects.create()
new_example.external_ids[1234] = {}

Output looks like this : 
{1234: {}}

I can now access values stored like this :
In [140]: new_example.external_ids[1234]
Out[140]: {}

I will now then save the object to the database

However, when I go back and try to access the fields again, all integer 
values in the JSON have been converted into strings, and I cannot access 
them anymore without getting a KeyError
reload_example = ExampleModel.objects.get(id=1) 
In [144]: reload_example.external_ids[1234]
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-147-064b4b6a1511> in <module>()
----> 1 reload_example.external_ids[1234]
KeyError: 1234

By this time, the integer 1234 has been converted into a string that looks 
like something like the following :  *Why is this?*
In [147]: print(reload_example.external_ids)
Out[147]: {u'1234': {}}

Therefore, at this time, I have to do this to access the fields : *Whats 
the correct way to handle this?*
In [160]: c2.external_ids[str(1234)]
Out[160]: {}

*Example 2 - Non-deterministic Merge Problem - *
In fact, this creates some other interesting problems for me too, where 
integer keys and string keys get merged together in uncertain order as well.

I create a new model - and save some key value pairs down into the 
In [164]: example2 = ExampleModel.objects.create()
In [165]: example2.external_ids
Out[165]: {}
In [166]: example2.external_ids[1234] = {'567': '890'}
In [167]:
In [169]: example2.external_ids
Out[169]: {1234: {'567': '890'}}

Then I try to reload the model back into memory :

In [170]: reload_example2 = ExampleModel.objects.get(id=2)
In [171]: reload_example2.external_ids
Out[171]: {u'1234': {u'567': u'890'}}

Then I try to save a new set of values for key 1234:

In [172]: reload_example2.external_ids[1234] = {'890': '567'}
In [173]: reload_example2.external_ids
Out[173]: {1234: {'890': '567'}, u'1234': {u'567': u'890'}}

Now it seems like both key value pairs are loaded into memory - just the 
older one is tracked by a string-ified key, and the new values are tracked 
by an integer-based key
In [174]:

Then I save and reload the model again - it seems uncertain which values 
actually got saved down - *whats the expectation here?*
In [175]: reload_example3 = ExampleModel.objects.get(id=2)
In [176]: reload_example3.external_ids
Out[176]: {u'1234': {u'890': u'567'}}


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