I have a two models (User, Project) in m2m relationship with intermediate 
(Role) table.

When I’m selecting all users in project and I also want to select corresponding 
role, I simply annotate one field from Role table using F expression:


Annotate in this case doesn’t create new join, because `roles` table is already 
joined to filter on data from `projects` table. This works well.

However, I tried to same in `prefetch_related` and I’m getting duplicate rows, 
because there’s a new JOIN statement added. (Usecase: Selecting all projects in 
DB with all users per project)

The SQL statement with `prefetch_related`, but without `annotate` looks like 

roles = Prefetch(
qs = Project.objects.prefetch_related(roles)

  ("users_role"."project_id") AS "_prefetch_related_val_project_id",
  — other fields here
FROM "users_user"
  INNER JOIN "users_role" ON ("users_user"."id" = "users_role"."user_id")
WHERE "users_role"."project_id” IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

As you can see, the table `users_role` is already joined, so I’m basically 
looking for Django ORM expression which generates following SQL query:

  ("users_role"."project_id") AS "_prefetch_related_val_project_id”,
  — other fields here
FROM "users_user"
  INNER JOIN "users_role" ON ("users_user"."id" = "users_role"."user_id")
WHERE "users_role"."project_id” IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Unfortunatelly, following expression generates incorrect SQL:

roles = Prefetch(
qs = Project.objects.prefetch_related(roles)

  ("users_role"."project_id") AS "_prefetch_related_val_project_id",
  "users_role"."role"         AS “role”,
  — other fields here
FROM "users_user"
  LEFT OUTER JOIN "users_role" ON ("users_user"."id" = "users_role"."user_id")
  INNER JOIN "users_role" T3 ON ("users_user"."id" = T3."user_id")
WHERE T3."project_id" IN
      (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

The extra `left outer join` causes duplicate entries.

I’ve found one ticket (https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27144 
<https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27144>) which seems to be relevant, but 
it’s old and closed.

Any ideas? Is it bug or is there really a reason to include extra JOIN? I’m not 
very skilled in relational algebra.

Thank you in advance!


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