I am trying to add a bunch of school boundary files into the database.  The 
boundary files are inconsistent.  They are processed by `DataSource` as 
either `Polygon`, `MultiPolygon`, or `GeometryCollection`.

Converting `Polygon` into `MultiPolygon` is fairly simple using this 
but the conversion does not work for `GeometryCollection`.

    class School(models.Model):
        boundaries = models.MultiPolygonField()


    from django.contrib.gis.geos import Polygon, MultiPolygon
    from django.contrib.gis.geos.collections import GeometryCollection

    ds = DataSource('school_boundaries.aspx')
    feature = ds[0][0]
    geom_geos = feature.geom.geos
    if isinstance(geom_geos, Polygon):
        geom_geos = MultiPolygon(geom_geos)
    elif isinstance(geom_geos, GeometryCollection):
        geom_geos = MultiPolygon(GeometryCollection)  #This does not work
    school = School(boundaries = geom_geos)

Is there some way to convert `GeometryField` to `MultiPolygon` in GeoDjango?

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