
This is not much to go on:  The 'parameters' are called 'context'

You can read: 

to learn about templates and context.  

adding context in a view is done by adding context to a view as follows:

    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        data = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
        data['title'] = 'New User Signup'
        data['login_url'] = '/accounts/login/'
        return data

'adjust the page url path' could mean one of two things:
- access the url path in the view (self.request.path) and then adjust 
context accordingly would simply the path this way and adjust 'data'
- change the url to which a page responds or assign a new url to a view - 
this is done in urls.py via a regualr expression.

Please elaborate - you have to provide information to get it.



On Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 10:21:26 PM UTC-5, lingo...@gmail.com 
> Hello,
> How to send parameters to templates and adjust the page url by path?
> regards, 
> Saeed

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