Hi All,

I've been noticing some strange behaviour with auto_now_add and date
related functions and wasn't able to find anything about it.

My server is set to CST as is my settings.py, the majority of the time
it works correctly, however sometimes it uses a date which I can't
workout why it would be using that date. eg. I added an object and
after saving it the date field is 6 hours ago rather than a couple of
seconds ago. When I add another it works as expected (date field is
from a couple of seconds ago). I have also had a lot of instances
where it has chosen a date in the future, this causes issues when
ordering by date and using the timesince filter as it just displays 0

Any idea what I should do to fix this?

I've experienced it when running cron job scripts as well as when
adding via mod_python. I experience it with 0.9x and also with the
latest from svn.

server is apache 2, mod_python, mysql 4.0.24_Debian-10sarge2

In the site that I have running off svn the model field is defined as:
submitted = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

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