On Dec 18, 2006, at 10:52 PM, Denis Frère wrote:
> I've just found a bug that made me searching for hours... I'll tell  
> you
> the story in case it could help someone else.
> I got a strange behaviour with Django views recently : some pages of a
> website I'm developping were empty apart from the template. That is,
> the template was called but there was no data to fill the variables.
> The stranger is that a same view code was OK for some pages and bad  
> for
> other pages. It happened with generic views and even with flatpages.
> After a long search, I discovered the problem : I had written a buggy
> template context processor. Depending on the request.path, I was
> returning or not a dictionary. When I was returning the dictionary,
> everything was OK, but when not, my templates were empty.
> OK, I'm guilty. I knew I had to return a dictionary, but I don't
> appreciate having had no clues to find the bug. I love Python because
> he's generally kind with me, telling me where I made errors. When
> Django fails silently, it makes things much harder for bad programmers
> like me.
> In conclusion, a question for the developpers : wouldn't it be better
> to throw exceptions when being in debug mode and fail silently only
> when debug mode is off ?

You can always use the TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID variable to display  
a string in place of non-existent variables. But you should be aware  
of this warning, which is why it should not be turned on for general  

"Many templates, including those in the Admin site, rely upon the  
silence of the template system when a non-existent variable is  
encountered. If you assign a value other than '' to  
TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID, you will experience rendering problems  
with these templates and sites.

Generally, TEMPLATE_STRING_IF_INVALID should only be enabled in order  
to debug a specific template problem, then cleared once debugging is  

You may ask, why would anybody rely on a non-existent variable in  
their template? Think of the {% if xxx %} tag. If you want a section  
of html to display, you set the variable, if not, you don't need to  
set anything.

The above paragraph is from:



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