When I try to migrate my project from empty DB state, it falls into a 
vicious cycle: Trying to migrate it requests Country.objects.all() because 
it has form fields using PlaceWidget but this requires it to be already 

How to solve this problem?

class PlaceWidget(widgets.MultiWidget):
    template_name = 'core/widgets/placewidget.html'

    class Media:
        js = ('js/placewidget.js',)

    def __init__(self, attrs=None):
        _widgets = (
            widgets.Select(choices=[('', '-')] + [(c.pk, c.name) for c in 
                           attrs={'onchange': "update_places_list(1)", **(attrs 
or {})}),
            widgets.Select(choices=[('', '-')],
                           attrs={'onchange': "update_places_list(2)", **(attrs 
or {})}),
            widgets.Select(choices=[('', '-')],
                           attrs={'onchange': "update_places_list(3)", **(attrs 
or {})}),
            widgets.Select(choices=[('', '-')],
                           attrs={'onchange': "update_places_list(4)", **(attrs 
or {})}),
            widgets.Select(choices=[('', '-')])
        super().__init__(_widgets, attrs)

    def decompress(self, value):
        if value:
            return [value['country'].pk if value['country'] else None,
                    value['region'].pk if value['region'] else None,
                    value['subregion'].pk if value['subregion'] else None,
                    value['city'].pk if value['city'] else None,
                    value['district'].pk if value['district'] else None]
        return [None, None, None, None, None]

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