The example code you provided will create a <tr> on the first iteration of 
the loop and </tr> tag every 4th iteration of the loop. This cycle will 
continue resulting in a table with 4 columns of data. Example:

results = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ]


If you have 2 lists, render them from your view like return render(request, 
'polls/detail.html', {'list1': list1, 'list2': list2})
In your template create an 8 column table:

  {% for r in list1 %}
    {% cycle '<tr>' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''%}
    {% cycle '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '</tr>' %}
  {% endfor %}

{% for r in list2 %}
    {% cycle '<tr>' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''%}
    {% cycle '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '</tr>' %}
  {% endfor %}


Hope this helps

On Friday, June 21, 2019 at 5:58:21 PM UTC-5, Sudeep Gopal wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am new to django. 
> I am using django forms in my project and I am not using django models. 
> From the user,  my django form asks for 4 inputs :- signal_to_noise_1 , 
> signal_to_noise_2, bandwidth1 and bandwidth2. 
> Based on these values I use my  look up table and I create a results which 
> are 2 lists of records.
>  Each list has approximately 40 to 50 records. Each record has 8 fields. 
> (field1,...field8) ...
> *Each list *looks like this (if my description is not clear) field1 is 
> unique. 
> field1  field2  field3 
> field8
> Both the lists (with each list having about 50 records) are in my django 
> view. 
> From what I read online, I can use the render() method which has a 
> *dictionary 
> *called context. (
> <>
> )
> I am not sure how to convert these list of record objects to this 
> dictionary format which has {"name":value} pair. 
> Even the django tables requires it in the dictionary format.....
> The nearest thing which I found was 
> But I did not understand what exactly the below syntax does and how I can 
> customize it to my usecase ....any input would be greatly appreciated ...
> <table>
>   {% for r in results %}
>     {% cycle '<tr>' '' '' '' %}
>       <td>{{r.content}}</td>
>     {% cycle '' '' '' '</tr>' %}
>   {% endfor %}</table>

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