Well yes it could be called multifaceted.  

Usually but not always the interface with the user is the form. You can have 
non-database fields as well as model fields so either way there has to be a 
full suite of validation functionality available in both types of forms. 
Luckily, model forms automatically call model.clean() for you. 

Unit tests don't though. You have deliberately call obj.clean() if you want to 
test things. obj.save() doesn't call obj.clean().

Actually, I also do a bit in view code too especially if there are non-database 
or hidden fields in the form. I know you are not supposed to validate data in a 
view for proper separation of concerns but it does keep my forms neater.

The bottom line for me is that if I can imagine non-form access ... eg through 
an API ... then all validation possible has to be via model.clean() and the API 
has to remember to call clean() before saving every time there is a POST

Hence I always put business rules validation in model.clean() and leave 'local' 
validation for the form. 

You are right. There are quite a few moving parts  :-) 

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Dean Karres <dean.kar...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Thank you. There are way more parts to this than I would have imagined.
>On Sat, Jul 13, 2019, 8:01 PM Mike Dewhirst <mi...@dewhirst.com.au> wrote:
>On 14/07/2019 10:37 am, Dean Karres wrote:
>I am learning Django.  I am using CBVs.  My default "index.py" view is 
>basically a dashboard for the app I am playing with.  As my models and views 
>become more complicated I want to be able to ask, for any model instance, is 
>this instance "valid" or "complete".  Valid means that all Required elements 
>are present and have reasonable values.  "Complete" means that an instance is 
>"valid" but also some specific bits of additional info are also ok.
>For example I have a Student model that has name and address info.  There is a 
>ManyToMany relation to the Class(es) in which that Student is enrolled.  A 
>"student" instance is valid if the name and address fields are filled.  A 
>student is "complete" if the student is valid and has signed up for one or 
>more classes.
>So, my question is: where should the valid and complete methods live?  Should 
>they be in the Student model or CBV?  Someplace else?  Does it matter?
>I like to put that sort of stuff into model methods then add model.clean() to 
>call them and raise whatever error may be appropriate if they fail.
>You can raise your own errors which inherit from ValidationError to fine tune 
>the process. For example, I differentiate between BusinessRuleViolation and 
>InvalidToken and a couple of others where that delivers better control.
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