Hi, I'm gonna be using Django Rest Framework for API with a Postgres stack 
and not developing with website. Coding apps in Swift and Androidx Java. 
Users can POST rich text, or text that uses HTML, to the server, and then 
other users can GET that HTML and view it in (ui)TextView.

Based on previous experience, it seemed like Android's TextView wouldn't 
have any trouble with XSS or the like. Not sure about Swift, so can someone 
tell me if I should worry on the iOS side? 

Last thing. Because this is just an API, how does DRF protect my server 
against some malicious JSON POST request? A request that isn't sent from 
the designated app or is hand-crafted. If DRF doesn't somehow serialize 
correctly, then there would be some server issues, right? Gah worrying.

TL;DR. Programming mobile with DRF. Should I worry about Rich Text (HTML 
Editing) on client and/or server side?

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