The problem that I have, when I logged with normal user in the request.user 
there is a current user, but if I reload the page, the currennt user 
converted to the admin ?
Enter code here...
def countries_rate(request): 
auth_user = request.user
if request.user.is_authenticated:
auth_user = request.user
if (user_rate.objects.filter(user_id=auth_user).delete()):
print(auth_user,' OK deleted ----------------.................')
formset = countriesFormset(request.POST or None)
if request.method == 'POST':
if 'Add_More' in request.POST:
#print('--- add more in post -----')
cp = request.POST.copy()
cp['form-TOTAL_FORMS'] = int(cp['form-TOTAL_FORMS'])+ 1
formset = countriesFormset(cp,prefix='form')
total = cp['form-TOTAL_FORMS']
#print('total forms {}---------------------',format(total))
return render(request,'thesis_app/countries_rate.html', context={
elif 'submit' in request.POST:
if formset.is_valid():
for inst in formset:
rate = user_rate()
if inst.is_valid():
#answer2 = False)
#answer2.user_id = auth_user
countries_name_id = inst.cleaned_data.get('countries_name_id')
country_rating = inst.cleaned_data.get('country_rating')
rate.user_id = auth_user
rate.countries_name_id = countries_name_id
rate.country_rating = country_rating
return redirect('thesis_app:result')
return redirect('thesis_app:login') 
user = request.user
formset = countriesFormset(request.POST or None)
return render(request,'thesis_app/countries_rate.html', context={

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