I got to generic views (CBV’s) in part 4 of the Django tutorials and decided 
instead of overwriting  the function views that I would get some practice by 
creating a new app (polls2).  The file structure is identical to the polls app, 
but obviously the code is different for the generic views and urls now pointing 
to polls2.  I ran migrate and makemigrations.  The makemigrations surprised me 
as it created Question & Choice tables again:

(pyfun) Bruckners-MacBook-Pro:mysite brucknerdevilliers$ python manage.py 

Migrations for 'polls2':


    - Create model Question

    - Create model Choice

(pyfun) Bruckners-MacBook-Pro:mysite brucknerdevilliers$ python manage.py 

Operations to perform:

  Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, polls, polls2, sessions

Running migrations:

  Applying polls2.0001_initial... OK

So, I looked at the folders and there is only one sqlite3 file.  The Database 
Structure is unchanged and the original data is still intact.  The admin page 
now displays 2 Question tables – the 2nd one contains no data.  Also, shows No Questions available.




I have probably messed up with models.py.  Any pointers please as how multiple 
apps can point to the same database?


Bruckner de Villiers

+27(0)83 625 1086

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