David Zhou wrote:

I'm running nginx + fcgi for Django, so the below is in nginx's config format. But I'm assuming that lighttpd should be able to do something similar.

Basically, in nginx, you can specify various upstream pools. For  example:

upstream blah {
    server unix:/tmp/blah.com_1.sock;
    server unix:/tmp/blah.com_2.sock;

upstream foo {
    server unix:/tmp/foo.com_1.sock;
    server unix:/tmp/foo.com_2.sock;

so these define the server used by the http stuff below, do I understand it correctly that the fcgi processes are setup to listen on the above ports?

If so does nginx provide some mechanism to start them up or is it all 

then in the site definitions:

server {
    listen          80;
    server_name     blah.com;

    location / {
        #insert FCGI params stuff here
        fastcgi_pass blah;

server {
    listen          80;
    server_name     foo.com;

    location / {
        #insert FCGI params stuff here
        fastcgi_pass foo;

Robin Becker

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