I’m trying to optimize a few different things.

I am looking to try to change this into a more database driven routine, instead 
of having to iterate through each and every record.  While not time consuming 
(overall), I would like to try to make it a bit cleaner…

Effectively I am calculating which record the user is actually looking at in 
the gallery.  The UUID is based into the view, and the view then has to figure 
out it’s image XX out of YYY.

 for counter, data in enumerate(catalog_qs, start=1):
     if str(data.uuid) == e_uuid:
         context["page"] = counter

I generalized it to this:

def return_offset_uuid(sorder, fpath, tuuid):
        Fetch specific database values only from the database
    entries = 
    tpk = entries.filter(uuid=tuuid.strip())[0].pk
    count = entries.filter(pk__lte=tpk).count() - 1
    #answer = user.answer_set.filter(question=question).get()
    # return user.answer_set.filter(pk__lte=answer.pk).count() - 1
    return count

Which *seemed* to work, except it didn’t.  Yes, I got results:

>>> return_offset_uuid(0, album, "c0543ce7-d156-430d-b08a-5f7379b6e246")    # 1
>>> return_offset_uuid(0, album, "519f5b9c-e4f4-44e1-aa82-f36aed98e6a9")    # 31
>>> return_offset_uuid(0, album, "754fcb51-c3ad-417d-b317-b86305597ae9")    # 61
>>> return_offset_uuid(0, album, "b85f18e0-aa17-4192-9c0f-a363d82fa127")    # 91
>>> return_offset_uuid(0, album, "fe750266-5fb6-467a-929e-c752fa2091ac")      # 
>>> 121
>>> return_offset_uuid(0, album, "51d5ea79-1859-402b-85ff-ae3b2adf7173")      # 
>>> 5535

Looking at it, entry “AAAA.jpg” is added, it’ll have a larger PK than “ZZZ.jpg” 
which was added two months ago.

Is there a better way to do this?  I’ll keep the for loop if I have to…

        - Benjamin

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