I am trying to create a queryset that filters against the logged-in user's id and the user_id in the record, ie so that only the relevant user can see the record.

Without the filter, when I display the page I can capture elements in the template that would allow this comparison, ie:

object.user.id # the record owner
user.id # the logged-in user's id
object.user # the record owner's user name
user # the logged-in user’s user name

So, in models.py I made a new query manager:

class EditManager(models.Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        return super(EditManager, self).get_queryset().filter(

Then the debug gives the following error:

    Exception Value:name 'user' is not defined

Even if I try fields that are obviously in the table, just to get a nonsensical filter, I get similar errors, eg "id==user_id".

I have tried variations on the user id comparison, but have not got any further.

Or, am I going about this completely the wrong way?

Any help greatly appreciated.

-- Clive

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