
I have a formset that is created by an inline formset factory. So, I have 
seen that during the creation I can pass the extra argument in order to 
create more blank forms. Fine :)

But I also have the case where I want to pre-populate a formset based on 
entries in the database. In a way I thought I could just hit the database 
and lookup the number of matching entries like objects = 
And then I could pass the individual entry data to the forms in the 
formset. I have managed to do this for one form in the formset, but I do 
not know how to get django to create a formset with x extra forms in it, 
based on the number of database entries. I guess I could again create one 
formset with an inline formset factory, but is it also possible to use the 
initial formset that I already created in my forms.py and to somehow pass 
the extra argument?

Best regards

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