I have a question about running Channels and Django code under Celery.
Originally, I had some code that used neither Channels nor Celery, but
simply run as part of the View code:

def import_all(...)

    ...database access...

This is an expensive operation and to avoid timing out the browser, I
needed to (a) run it under Celery but also (b) provide progress updates via
a Websocket to the client. First, I implemented (b) using a Channels
Consumer and the group_send, and that worked fine. I then tried to
implement (a) using a Celery Task:


def import_all(...):
    ...database access...

However, this caused Celery to be unhappy and the worker to die:

2020-08-22 13:33:08,303 [ERROR] MainProcess: Task handler raised error:
WorkerLostError('Worker exited prematurely: exitcode 0.')
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 1265, in mark_as_worker_lost
   raise WorkerLostError(
billiard.exceptions.WorkerLostError: Worker exited prematurely: exitcode 0.

After quite some Googling, and various detours including where the DataBase
access caused issues (it seems it cannot be run from an async context), I
ended up with this double-wrapped monster:


def import_all(...):

async def _import_all(...):
    await database_sync_to_async(__import_all)(...)

def __import_all(...):   <<<<<<<<<< original code
    ...database access...

This seems to work (even though the Celery task eventually dies, it seems
to have done its work first, and is replaced). Is this double-wrapping
really the correct approach? Even if it is clumsy, is there any reason to
think it won't be reliable?

TIA, Shaheed

P.S. I should mention that I am using Celery's prefork library, as
opposed to say gevent or greenlets.

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