On 10 December 2020 at 01:18:16, Pankaj Jangid (pan...@codeisgreat.org)

Fenrir Sivar <fenrir.si...@gmail.com> writes:

> I inherited a django app that calls private APIs in a view to fetch some
> data. The credentials or api keys are currently hardcoded in the source,
> making it difficult to share.
> What is the preferred way to store these kind of keys in a secure way only

> accessible to the django server?

As Kasper suggests, I also use environment variables in development
environment. But a few more things add up to convenience.

Not only convenience, but a very good idea. First and foremost, keep
secrets out of configuration even gitignore'd ones, with .env files being
the exception.

The environment is not a perfect place to store these but they are better
then placing them in code or configuration.

For more info and a very tried and tested approach, check out

1. I use ‘direnv’ for managing per directory environment variables. As I
enter a perticular directory (on terminal), it echos the newly set
environment variables.

Seconded ... and thirded!

If you use .env files you can even suck these in automatically, set your
virtualenv and any configuration information in your .envrc. It is a really
good approach especially so i you work on multiple projects and don't want
to clutter your .*profile or Windows global env.

2. It might be overkill but I use Docker on my development machine. And
I use the same environment variables in my docker-compose.yml. This
is also useful in production setup where you are deploying in Docker.

I would argue that this is definitely NOT an overkill unless you're
entirely unfamiliar with container technology when it would become another
burden in the path to understanding.

Running your code in a container when it is to be deployed in production in
a container is very important to avoid pitfalls such as local dependencies
of all sorts. "it works here" but fails in production is definitely
something you want to avoid.  You can mount your development environment
locally and run the server within the container and all is good, although
this does raise some interesting challenges if you want to debug the

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